Hiking Hut to Hut in Biogradska Gora National Park – Montenegro

Customizable hiking plans to enjoy Montenegrin nature and katun hospitality

For adventurers, hiking hut to hut in Biogradska Gora National Park is one of the best ways to experience it. This adventure includes equal parts hiking, beautiful nature, interaction with locals, unique Montenegrin cultural appreciation, and massive servings of local foods. Basically, it is a one-of-a-kind adventure that a traveler will never forget.

See more info on Biogradska Gora National Park

Biogradska Gora National Park has a series of glacial lakes and mountain peaks that provide some magical vistas. This terrain also was a place where surrounding villages would send their livestock up the mountain in the summer months. While up on the mountain, the shepherds would live in katuns. These old and newly constructed wooden huts provide a blast back in time where travelers can experience old-fashioned ways of farming and making traditional Montenegrin mountain foods. Working closely with the locals, we have put together a network of village farm stays and katuns up on the mountains to make some epic hut to hut hiking possible in the national park.

There are so many ways to navigate hiking hut to hut in Biogradska Gora National Park. We are working to make this highly customizable to best fit the needs and goals for each traveler. We lay out some potential routes to experience it and provide trail info all down below. You are welcome to find or create the route that is best for you and then do the booking at each individual farm stay and katun listing provided. Or, we’re happy to consult with travelers to help make the best plan possible for their preferred adventure style and help you prepare your order. Contact us (reference HH2H BG).

Route Info for Biogradska Gora Hut to Hut Hiking

Below is info on potential routes with emphasis given to start and finish points. Travelers may choose to lengthen legs of a hike or to spend additional time in a particular place to enjoy the nature or some down time. Also, hikers may connect one of these hut to hut routes with other hut to hut offers that Meanderbug is developing to give even more varied terrain and/or to increase the amount of time spent doing this #crazygoodtravel hiking.

Lake Biograd in Fall colors

Hiking Launching from Lake Biograd (Info Center Biogradska)

This is the main entrance area and starts with a brilliant view of the park’s namesake lake. Starting here is the easiest access point by car or to have a bus drop you off at the bridge so you can hike up the road to the main entrance. Also, multi-day parking in this area is possible (arrive early in the summer months to leave your car near the park entrance). The downside with launching from here…this is the most populated place in the park during the summer months with bus tours coming for the lake pic. Start hiking and the crowd will quickly disappear and nature can begin to work her wonders. Another disadvantage to launching from Lake Biograd…all hiking routes from here start uphill as this is one of the lowest points in the park.

  • Intermediate family hike – [Day 1] – Lake Biograd to Lanista Katun – (NOTE: Spots along this trail may require holding hands and helping each other at points. For safety reasons, this trail is not for headstrong kids determined to run ahead.)  –  [Day 2] – return to Lake Biograd or advance to Sisko Jezero area  – [Day 3] – to Pesic Lake area  – [Day 4] – return to Lake Biograd
  • Intermediate adventure hike – [Day 1] – Lake Biograd to Cmiljace Katun area  –  [Day 2] – to Sisko Jezero area  –  [Day 3] – to Crna Glava Peak and then to Pesica Jezero area  –  [Day 4] – to Lake Biograd

Bijelo Polje Planinarski Dom hut to hut

Hut to Hut Hiking from Ravna Rijeka Village (Bijelo Polje Area)

The least accessed side of Mount Bjelasica. This area is not inside the national park’s boundaries, but it shares the same characteristics. The hiking adventure here can begin in the village below at Ravna Rijeka Selo or at the upper village, Majstorovina.

  • Easy Beginning Family Hiking Adventure – [Day 1] – 4×4 transfer to Bijelo Polje Mountain Hut  –  [Day 2] – hike around the hut area  –  [Day 3] – 4×4 transfer down the mountain
  • Intermediate adventure hike – [Day 1] – Ravna Rijeka to Cmiljace Katun  –  [Day 2] to Sisko Jezero area  –  [Day 3] – to Crna Glava Peak and then to Pesica Jezero area  –  [Day 4] – to Lanista Katun  –  [Day 5] – to Cmiljace Katun area (transfer down or)  –  [Day 6] – hike down the mountain to starting location

Sisko glacial lake in biogradska gora national park

Hut to Hut Hiking from Lubnice Village Area (near Berane)

The backside of the national park is an ideal place to launch if you have transport to the area. Roads here are under construction, but we’ll provide our travelers real-time info to help you navigate in the best way for current conditions. This area includes a number of farm stays that are ideal for launching including in the villages of Kurikuce, Lubnice, and Glavaca (listed here in proximity to the park from closest to furthest).

  • Beginning Family Hiking Adventure – [Day 1] – hike (or transfer) from Kurikuce  to Suvodo Katun  –  [Day 2] – hike to Sisko Lake and on to Rakovic Katun  –  [Day 3] – return or for an extension hike on to Zekova Glava Peak and then down to Senic or Pesic Katun  –  [Day 4] – start your return sequence
  • Intermediate Hiking Adventure – [Day 1] – hike in from Lubnice or Kurikuce Village  –  [Day 2] to Sisko Jezero area  –  [Day 3] – to Crna Glava Peak and then to Pesica Jezero area  –  [Day 4] – to Lanista Katun  –  [Day 5] – to Cmiljace Katun area  –  [Day 6] – hike back to starting village


Hiking hut to hut in Biogradska Gora National Park in Northern Montenegro

Hut to Hut Hiking from Jelovica

Jelovica is a picturesque place on the backside of the national park. It offers a great location to spend a few days and offers easy access to Lubnice Village and is also the closest starting point for Senica Katun or Pesic Katun. The climb to the Senica or Pesica Katuns is steep, but it makes the resulting views worth it as Pesic Lake is one of the least known but prettiest spots in the park. So, if a group only has time for a day or two of hiking, this is a great launch point.

  • Intermediate Hiking Adventure – [Day 1] – hike from Jelovica up to the Pesic Lake area – [Day 2] – hike up to the peak of Crna Glava, overnight at Pesic or Senica Katun – [Day 3] – return to Jelovica

Trail and Lodging Info for Hiking Hut to Hut in Biogradska Gora

  • Lake Biograd to Lanista Katun – 3.7 km with 249 m elevation gain – intermediate singletrack trail with steep drops on left side of trail in places. (NOTE: Spots along this trail may require holding hands and helping each other at points. For safety reasons, this trail is not for headstrong kids determined to run ahead.)
  • Lake Biograd to Cmiljace Katun – 16.1 km – mostly fire road trails passing by Tutica Katun, near Sisko Jezero, Mokro Polje, and Katun Dolovi – in Cmiljace Katun sits the Bijelo Polje Planinski Dom or Mountain Hut
  • Lanista Katun to Sisko Lake area – 15 km – route through Padiška gora, Vragode, Jelina Katun and then to Sisko Lake (Šiško Jezero) along a fire road – Sisko glacial lake has a couple of nearby katuns for food and lodging including Rakovic Katun and Suvodo Katun.
  • Sisko Lake to Pesic Lake – 9.2 km with 538 m elevation gain – route passes Ursolovacko and Mali Ursolovacko glacial lakes (a shorter route exists, but Ursolovacko Lake is definitely worth visiting) – there are a couple katuns near Pesic Lake (Pesica Jezero) including Senica Katun and Pesic Katun
  • Sisko Lake to Crna Glava to Pesic Lake – 9.7 km with 520 m elevation gain – enjoy a mountain vista from the highest peak in Biogradska Gora National Park and then the views with mirrored inversions reflecting off Pesic Lake.
  • Ravna Rijeka to Cmiljace Katun -13 km – this route starts at the end of the asphalt road in Majstorovina Village.
  • Pesic Lake to Lanista Katun – 19 km with 183 m of elevation gain – this downhill hike follows a fire road offering some great views along ridgelines.
  • Jelovica to Pesic Lake – 8.2 km with 577 m elevation gain – fire roads with some trails the last leg of the hike.

Hiking routes and trails in Biogradska Gora National Park, Montenegro

Notes on Fees for Hiking Hut to Hut in Biogradska Gora National Park

Committed to opening up amazing adventure and culture travel in the Balkans, Meanderbug’s modular booking approach allows adventurers to choose and modify their plan based on their travel preferences. Each village or katun farm stay can be booked on its respective link on our site (links above) while consulting fees, gear transfer coordination, and guides can be added on this listing if necessary.

BGNP Fees – Biogradska Gora National Park has a 3 euros per adventurer per day fee with kids charged 50% of the fee. This is now payable at the main gate, at a booth coming in from Kolasin on fire roads, and at the entry road from Lubnice and Kurikuce Villages. Travelers do not need to worry about securing this as it is possible to buy it if and when park officials ask to show verification of a day pass without penalty.

* BGH2H Consultation – we are committed to helping you travel better. Where we can provide info for no cost, we do that here online. With the growth in rural travel through our site, we need to charge a consulting fee when spending significant time helping travelers make a plan so their travel plan can fit their family or group. We are always glad to help and can assist in hut to hut hiking plans for a small consulting fee. This helps us do more good for our rural tourism partners and provide an income for our local staff to give you the best info available. – 30 euros

** Gear transfer logistics – this hut to hut network offers a great opportunity to do light pack hiking because bedding and food are provided at our farm stay and katun partners. However, if a family or hiking group would prefer to have gear transferred for them, we will arrange it. Gear transfer costs vary depending on the various route options and seasonal factors. With the sve moze motto, we do all we can to make this viable. However, we are not able to have pre-arranged partnerships with everyone that may aid in transferring your gear. For this reason, we charge a gear planning fee for finding solutions with locals and coordinating the transfers at the appropriate times. We then have the traveler pay the required fee for each transfer at the time of transfer. All costs will be known and agreed upon in advance. This gives the traveler a real local experience and helps keep costs to a minimum for the traveler while doing so much good for our local partners and friends.  – 30 euros

*** Hut to Hut Guide – we are working with a network of translators that can serve as cultural guides for hiking hut to hut in Biogradska Gora National Park. While these are not certified mountain guides as this is currently near impossible to obtain in Montenegro, they can help travelers understand the story, culture, and provide limited navigational assistance by inquiring of locals as needed. We are careful to make sure that this all complies with our legal requirements, but you also can expect that all guides trained and sent out by Meanderbug will also have that “sve može” mentality. If a guide is required, the maximum number of people they can support is 6 person. – 80 euros per guide per day

Hut to hut hiking in Biogradska Gora National Park in Northern Montenegro


4 reviews

  1. Super happy with the plan made by Meanderbug for our 3-night hut-to-hut hike!

    We were super happy with the plan made by Meanderbug for our 3-night hut-to-hut hike! Our we hopes and need were listened to! The route included the highest peaks and all of the lakes of Biogradska Gora, and three katuns with superb views, friendly hosts and delicious food. Altogether, the hike was a great experience.

    We have quite some hiking experience, but we still found enough challenging parts, but on the other hand, the terrain is also suitable for beginners and families. Especially, the hiking from katun to katun make it easy and safe without no need to prepare one’s own food or carry sleeping gear.

    Navigation was mainly easy in the area (although we could not always find the paths shown in maps.me application, and vice versa). Nevertheless, the maps.me was enough to find from A to B. (We were hesitant to set off without a paper map, so we bought one from the entrance of the national park. Good quality map! But.. it was printed in 1984 😀 Nevertheless, the elevation contours of the paper map were useful; something that are missing from the app).

  2. Carefree hiking

    Meanderbug was incredibly helpful. I like Brit’s way of communicating, very responsive. We organised with them a 5 days/4 nights H2H end-July and have chosen on their proposal each of the sleeping places. We did 3 full days hiking without taking care of food or sleeping material.
    We will never forget the people we have met during our hike. It wouldn’t have been the same with airbxx or booking.xxx.
    I wish we could make more countries with Meanderbug.

  3. Like paradise!

    We had a fantastic hut to hut hiking trip thanks to Meanderbug! Without Meanderbug (extremely helpful staff!!) we would never have found the farm stays (katuns) and hikes we did. The farm stays were really special, the hospitality was great and the food was wonderful. We had the feeling that we really came into contact with Montenego farm life and unspoiled nature. It was all like paradise!

    1. Thank you, Joanna! Everyone of your hosts is ready for you to return. You were delightful guests that value the journey. You travel well!

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